Marriage is something special true in indeed! The way two people can come together and not only live together dealing with each other’s differences but also cover each other in God.
Many nights have I woken up with an oily pillow because my wife was praying for me and thought the little dab of anointing oil was not enough.
As funny as that is, it’s even that much more to understand, the process of marriage starts at the vow and it just continues on from there. The word process was used purposefully, marriage itself IS a process but where people often get in trouble is that they forsake the process by living life on auto pilot, after turbulent times or even right after the I do (or a few months down the line) not really understanding the process and what it takes to have a healthy marriage.
Any healthy relationship requires open communication and marriage is of no exception. Let’s start there, this week work on improving your communication with one another. Set aside time to talk your vision, goals and aspirations, not about kids, your house or bills. I asked my wife the other day what her happy place is (as we laid in the bed just watching tv together), her response was this just spending time with with me where she doesn’t have to think (and over analyze).
Find out what your spouses happy place is and try to make it happen this week at the least but by the end of the month.
Remember, your marriage happened AFTER the I do!