This title alone holds so much weight, when I hear this it really makes me think. So many things can happen in this world in our lives that can leave a chip on our shoulders. Wether it’s childhood hurt, family hurt Church hurt or relationship hurt. Usually with any of these things happen it’s by someone we trust or in a situation where we feel safe enough to let our guard down.
So what do we do how do we move on, how do we not make others pay for the hurt that we have experienced? Do we stay mad? Honestly, that’s easy to do when we are hurt. In some cases, our heart is broken in multiple pieces and we can’t begin to know how to patch it up, so why forgive, why trust. I guess the saying everyone likes to use is “burn me once shame on me burn me twice shame on you”.
But is that really how it works is that how God wants us to approach situations? Not at all! At the end of the day we have to put it in God’s hand. Forgiveness is not for that other person, it is for us. If we hold on to the hurt the memories it will set in to our hearts and turn into bitterness. Trust me, I know if somebody turned their back on you and you have been giving them your all, you probably wouldn’t want anything to do with them. But what if God did the same thing to us? How many times have we turned our backs on him, knowing he wanted us to do something but we did our own thing? If God said he was tired he wasn’t forgiving us anymore, we all would be lost.
Ephesians 4:31 says “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”
Psalms 51:10